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ERA Centennial Convention

This intergenerational convening took place on July 21-22, 2023 in Seneca Falls, NY—on the 100th anniversary of the Equal Rights Amendment. The ERA Centennial Convention marked the 100th anniversary of the Equal Rights Amendment by celebrating the women and LGBTQ+ people who have fought for the ERA for decades and building a strong, intergenerational movement to get the ERA over the finish line. 

The convention was held on July 21-22, 2023 in Seneca Falls, NY at the First Presbyterian Church of Seneca Falls where the National Woman’s Party first unveiled the ERA—at the same podium Alice Paul gave her speech 100 years ago. The event focused on cultivating the next generation of ERA activists and helping them see their place in history as constitution-makers. 

Organizations: The Centennial Convention was organized by the Equal Rights Action, Columbia Law School's ERA Project, and Generation Ratify. The fiscal sponsor of this event was the Alice Paul Institute.


Reimagining Gender Justice Workshop Series

Convention delegates were asked to participate in a free 5-part workshop series in preparation for the convening. The goal of this workshop series was to help everyone hit the ground running when they arrived in Seneca Falls. The curriculum was prepared and delivered by scholars and ERA advocates in collaboration with the ERA Project.

Week 1 – Amending The Constitution: The ERA's Long Path to Adoption


Week 2 – Gender Justice in the Law: Historical and Existing Frameworks

March 24

Legal Advocacy for LGBTQ Rights in China

October 30

Gender-Based Violence & the ERA: Sex Equality & U.S. v. Rahimi